Roasted Pork Belly Tacos

With 20 minutes to spare this morning, I decided to make these tacos for breakfast before I head out for my class. Basically, I just took whatever I could find in the fridge and threw it together.  For the taco shells, I actually had some spinach tortilla that the hubs have been using to make his wraps with. These were pretty tasty and I wished I had made more, but I guess that will have to wait until next time.


1 large spinach tortilla
2 eggs, cooked sunny side up
tomato, chopped
roast pork, chopped
onion, chopped
scallion, chopped
black peppercorn, freshly ground
hot chili oil

Start off by heating up a pan with a little bit of evoo, and saute the onions with the roast pork. Once the pork is browned, remove from pan and set aside. To create the taco shells, use either a large round metal cutter to cut out two pieces, and if you don’t have one, then you could do what I did, which was used a large bowl flipped upside down to cut it. You might need a bit more force if you’re using a bowl since it doesn’t have the sharp edge that a round metal cutter would have. Heat the shells either in a small convection oven or in a pan, and then set it on a plate.

To assemble, first add the sauteed onion and roast pork, and then some of the chopped tomatoes. Add the fried sunny side up egg on top, along with some chopped scallions, freshly ground black peppercorn, and a a small spoonful of hot chili oil drizzled over. If you want a sauce to go with it, you can mix some mayonnaise/sour cream with sriracha or any other hot sauce or even chili oil.

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